Turning headwinds into tailwinds

Helping you navigate the headwinds through IT cost optimisation in order to boost your tailwinds and accelerate your digital investments.

"A must-attend event for IT procurement, vendor management, software asset management and finance leaders."

Economic and geopolitical uncertainties are continuing at pace around the globe. Businesses must balance the short term needs of conserving cash whilst also structuring investments to build for the future. IT remains one of the top priorities for investment, and rightly so, as technology powers the business and can deliver increased agility, efficiency and competitive advantages.

Throughout our Meet the Experts event we discussed practical ways you can optimise and reduce costs without affecting services, and free up budget for your business to invest where it is needed.

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On-demand sessions

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'Create stronger tailwinds by cracking the software lifecycle code'
Howard Daws, Technology Lead, Optimisation and Governance, Insight

Organisations are constantly being pushed to drive down costs whilst supporting innovation.​ Howard introduced the Insight proven way to solving these challenges for clients.​ A refreshing approach covering the complete software lifecycle, from acquisition through to the evolution of investments in software to help you:​

  • Improve governance processes to prevent cost sprawl​
  • Identify and remediate wasted spend​
  • Execute optimal future agreements​
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'Take control of SAP and trim your sails for a smoother journey'
Marjon Schellekens, Practice Manager SAP License Consulting Services, Insight

We are all seeing the impacts of price rises across Europe, it’s time to take control and right-size for the future.  In the world of SAP we show you areas to focus on that put you in a better position to navigate the headwinds. Annual support fees are rising, so it’s important to take action and offset the increase by right-sizing. Moving to RISE might seem like a great option for more flexibility and control but be aware of the hidden dangers for your IT roadmap. The STAR programme may appear to provide transparency through simulation and optimisation of your current requirements, but are there hidden costs in the future. We show you practical steps to take control and plan for smoother journey.

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'Partnering with IT to “re-think” your IT cost base and maximise the alignment of IT costs against organisational goals'
Chris Coe, Cost Transformation Executive, Insight & Jurgen van Schajik, Executive Software License Consultant

Combining procurement with technical expertise is critical to drive greater cost reduction without impacting business performance. Roadmaps and dependencies are not the natural domain of procurement yet have significant commercial impacts. We explore how a cross-capability collaboration with IT and governance functions will maximise the alignment of IT costs against organisational goals.

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'Creating fair winds in your Microsoft environment​'
Marc Brasser, Practice Manager - Microsoft License Consulting Services Insight EMEA

Microsoft’s headwinds of modern commerce, a direct strategy and declining discounts coupled with the backdrop of economic uncertainties creates a requirement to prepare and act now. Business initiatives such as; digitisation, data modernisation and speeding time to market are top of mind for many of our clients. Microsoft’s portfolio around infrastructure, Azure, productivity and business apps can support these initiatives, but how best do you invest and deploy the technology for your users? ​

We provide you with the practical steps to optimise your Microsoft negotiating positions, explore flexible technology adoption roadmaps with clear commercial discounting and financial funding strategies.

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Building a SAM programme to strengthen your tailwinds
René Sans, Software Lifecycle Services Delivery Manager, Insight

Software asset management programmes can bring multiple benefits to your business, but how do you ensure it delivers the positive returns on your investment? Common challenges we have helped organisations solve include; where do I begin, what are the pitfalls to avoid and how do we make it successful.

René uses real client engagements to demonstrate proven approaches to setting the right strategy, scope and priorities. Gain insightful knowledge and approaches to building a successful SAM programme.

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'Is data clouding your decision making?'
Josh Baker, Manager Software Lifecycle Services, Insight

Software asset management is complicated. SAM tools are great but have a cost and an administration overhead that some organisations find off-putting. In the absence of specific SAM applications, human teams can deliver results – maybe not with the data driven automation but enough to mitigate risk and increase efficiency. But, there’s a benefit multiplier when combining tooling and teams.​

Josh explores how to deliver effective SAM whether using homegrown or all encompassing tools so you can get the returns on investment and sharpen your decision making.

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Are headwinds blowing your cloud costs off course?
Marcus Benson, National Principal Architect, FinOps, Insight

Learn how cloud economics and the FinOps framework can help your organisation:

  • Forecast cloud usage more accurately.​
  • Manage and control spend more effectively.​
  • Prepare for the cultural shift to a shared-accountability model.​

Marcus talks about why FinOps is important, the anatomy of a successful FinOps team, some of the top challenges, and where and how FinOps should operate within your organisation.