You bring the ambition. We’ll bring the insight.

Microsoft is one of the largest technology investments in businesses, so it makes sense to ensure your spend is efficient and delivering improved time to value for your organisation. You probably have a mix of licensing models, from on-premises, hybrid to cloud, which brings added complexity to how you can efficiently manage and optimise your licensing and commercial terms. Visibility and a solid technology adoption plan, is an absolute must.

Our insight delivers success

Where do you want to start?

Microsoft currency price change announcement

Insight’s experts provide advice on how to get the most out of your Microsoft technology investment, from a cost and functionality perspective.

  • Assess the impact and tactics to mitigate the Microsoft 2023 currency adjustment.
  • Optimising the estate: only pay for what you use.
  • Leverage your investment: use what you pay for.
VideoWebinar - Microsoft cloud services: how to get more with less

Read Microsoft 2023 currency announcement CSP and EA

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Delivering successful outcomes

We are obsessed with our clients success and delivering the right outcomes for their business.

When clients partner with Insight they get a committed, collaborative relationship focused on their success. Discover how we help our clients...

Client StoryInsight helps bank achieve €3.7 million savings through cloud optimisation
Client StoryGlobal Telecoms Firm Optimises Microsoft Spending with five-year Technology Roadmap
Client StoryGas Distribution Company Optimises Microsoft Investment with Tech Adoption Roadmap

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A better approach improves ROI

Insight’s Microsoft optimisation expert John Smith draws on his experience of delivering successful engagements with clients to improve the return on their investment and optimise costs.

VideoVideo - Delivering success for a global engineering company

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Meet the Expert – Marc Brasser, Insight

Marc gives practical advice on all things related to Microsoft licensing and commercials. Gain insight and guidance to help you build flexible technology adoption roadmaps with clear licensing terms and commercial contracts.

WebinarWebinar - Optimise your Microsoft technology to boost productivity and ROI

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Which service is right for you?

Our Microsoft optimisation services help you:

  • Optimise consumption and commercial positions.
  • Create fit for purpose cloud & software contract and commercial strategies.
  • Improve time to value for your investments.

We deliver the experience, guidance and results you need.

EbookEbook - Optimisation Services for Microsoft

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Achieving better business outcomes takes Insight.

Insight’s Microsoft optimisation consultants have deep expertise and experience in partnering with organisations of varying size and complexity to extract the maximum benefit from the use of
Microsoft technologies.


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