Unlock the value of your licenses and contracts.
Managing software and cloud licensing can be a daunting task for organisations, with the various challenges of complex licensing and commercial contracts, producing accurate consumption reports and managing time consuming audits. By staying ahead of your license management and contract renewals, organisations are able to optimise both licence consumption and costs, reducing risks so that they can allocate resources more effectively to invest in growth and innovation.
We’ll gain a full picture of your current position and future technology roadmap to create the plan and approach to optimise your environments across cloud and on-premise based software.
Using our deep and extensive vendor licensing knowledge, we will build licensing and commercial scenarios and negotiation tactics to enable you to gain the right agreement at the right cost for your business.
We’ll support you or lead on your behalf in vendor negotiations for both commercial contracts and audit defences and can deliver both project based or continuous services to ensure you remain in control and free up resources to focus on more innovative activities.
Insight’s Optimisation and Governance experts deliver advice and guidance to evolve processes, tooling, reporting and negotiation strategies, so you can achieve cost-effective and agile agreements to drive your business outcomes.
We deliver though a range of services that are often combined or built into a continuous solution for ongoing success.
Health checks: Producing a range of rapid insights that identify areas of risk for specific publishers and opportunities to initiate plans to improve your situation.
Licensable footprint: Building a detailed picture of your consumption versus entitlements, providing recommendations to eliminate unnecessary licenses, mitigate risk and optimise your future position.
Commercial contracts: Achieve optimal pricing, rights and terms in your commercial structures. We’ll elevate your negotiation strategy with contractual and commercial benchmarking insights that include concession data, discount models and more to achieve contract flexibility.
Cloud: Identifying and reducing wasted cloud consumption with future plans for efficient cloud adoption and cost management.
Audit defence: Mitigating the commercial and relationship impacts across all types of audits at any time, with upfront prevention, in progress governance or settlement negotiation support.